move with the times意思
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move with the times 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...2021年6月23日 · move with the times翻譯:與時俱進。
twtime to move on意思-2021-07-08 | 星星公主tw英文...translation意思- 日本打工度假最佳解答- 20200924【 ... Korean mayor gets pelted with eggs after deciding to move stadium ."" It's ...move with the times - 英中– Linguee词典大量翻译例句关于"move with the times" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
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twPeople and workforce | EY - Global... they need their people to be flexible and agile to match, at a time when it's getting harder to source, manage, motivate and retain talent while controlling costs.PCStation: 電腦1週 Issue 1001A Twitter List by MONOVA_ORG General Information gl + Photoshop + CC + 2013 ++ . dp ... 元( meta )」是個相當難解的希臘詞,大體上是超越的意思,不受規則所限, ... generate previews , and move from Library to Develop Module in record time .To Keep Your Customers, Keep It Simple - Harvard Business Review... sources consumers must touch while moving confidently toward a purchase. ... the parade; she had two children who wouldn't be able to stand the whole time. ... friends or family by connecting to Facebook or Twitter—TurboTax encourages ...
- 1美國習慣用語第723講| 英語學習英語學習| 大紀元
To have one's heart set on something這個習慣用語最早出現於14世紀。心,也就是心臟,是人體最重要的部份,如果把心放在某件事上,顯然是 ...
- 2set your heart on sth/doing sth 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯
set your heart on sth/doing sth. to want to get or achieve something very much. 渴望得到,一心想要. She's ...
- 3set your heart on sth/doing sth 在英語中的意思 - Cambridge ...
set your heart on sth/doing sth的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to want to get or achieve something very much: 2. to ...
- 441. 英文片語- have my heart set on (something) @ Will的部落 ...
原文解釋: you have strong feelsing to go through with your decision · 中文解釋: 下定決心/專心致志想得到某個東西或某件事.
- 5""to have my heart set on...""是什麼意思? - 關於英語 ... - HiNative
的意思If you say "I have my heart set on something," that means you are ... "Don't set your heart on...